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Tech News & Trends


Virtual Restaurant
31 July, 2024
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The 3 Best Virtual Restaurants & How They Work Read more
Craver Loyalty Program
14 June, 2024
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Best Restaurant Loyalty Programs 2024 & Why They Work Read more
International Women's Day March 8th
08 March, 2024
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Important Lessons from Female Leaders in the Restaurant Industry. Read more
Restaurant apps
11 January, 2024
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All-Time Best Restaurant Apps & Why They Work Read more
Man holding phone with restaurant subscription app open.
09 December, 2023
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Restaurant Subscriptions: Best Examples & How to Get Started Read more
Restaurant catering setup.
04 December, 2023
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Breaking into Catering: New Restaurant Catering Technology Trends Read more
Customer using phone for QR code payment at restaurant.
15 November, 2023
Apps, Self-Serve Kiosks, Most Popular, Technology & Innovation, Tech News & Trends
5 Biggest Restaurant Technology Trends for 2025: Craver's Predictions Read more
Customers ordering on self-serve kiosks at a coffee shop.
11 October, 2023
Restaurant Operations, Most Popular, Technology & Innovation, Tech News & Trends
Digitalize or Die: Why Local Restaurants Need to Embrace Digital. Read more
A woman making an espresso behind the counter of a coffee shop
09 February, 2022
Marketing, Payment, Tech News & Trends
How Coffee Shops Benefit From Offering Gift Cards Read more
A man ordering a coffee on his phone
01 February, 2022
Apps, Marketing, Loyalty & Rewards, Tech News & Trends
What Are the Benefits of A Mobile App for A Coffee Shop? Read more
Tables at a restaurant pre-covid
13 January, 2021
Restaurant, Technology, Tech News & Trends
4 Ways the Restaurant Industry Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic Read more
A woman delivering pizza to a house door.
29 April, 2020
Delivery, Restaurant, Technology, Tech News & Trends
3 Ways Delivery Apps Are Ruining Your Favourite Restaurants Read more
A third-party delivery person delivering pizza
31 January, 2020
Delivery, Marketing, Restaurant, Tips, App, Tech News & Trends
Delivery Apps: The Pros & Cons for Restaurant Owners Read more
A phone, and laptop at a coffee shop table
03 December, 2018
Payment, Restaurant, Technology, App, Tech News & Trends
4 Technologies You Should Consider for Your Restaurant Read more
Person holding phone with Railtown Cafe's app open.
21 September, 2018
Trend, App, Tech News & Trends
Why Your Restaurant Needs a Mobile App Read more
A woman in a restaurant kitchen looking at her phone
30 May, 2018
Apps, Restaurants, App, Tech News & Trends
4 Top Features for Restaurant Apps in 2023 Read more